A reminder that Kirtan is this weekend, at Vraie Nature Yoga in Chelsea: Saturday, April 20, 4-5pm. This is a free event, open to all, including children. We learn and sing five yoga mantras, chant OM 108 times, then finish with the sounding of our Tibetan singing bowls. Potluck snack (vegetarian) to follow.
I have just added a “Kirtan” page to my website, with a brief explanation of kirtan – what it’s all about and why we do it. You can find that here.
Here is my favourite quote from that page:
Kirtan allows us to enter into a mystery world – a world where all the logic of our minds, all the conditioning and learning are left outside. And in this mystery, we create a temple inside of our hearts, a place of refuge, a place of love, a place of just being. – Jai Uttal
Also, I have added our kirtan song list here. My aim is to have recordings for all of the songs, so that you could listen to/sing along with the mantras outside of kirtan. At the moment, I only have four songs recorded, but they are now available on my “Kirtan Songs” page. I am just learning how to use GarageBand for recording. Bear with me as I refine my recording skills. This is definitely a work in progress!
I hope to see you this Saturday. The next kirtan dates will Saturday, May 18 and Saturday, June 15 – same time, same place. Namaste!