Well, dear Readers, have you missed me? You may have noticed that I skipped a week. I didn’t forget you! I was here, busy writing, and now I have much to share. “Āsana & ananta, part 3” is ready for your reading pleasure, but it will wait till next week. (Can you bear the suspense? Okay, I’m joking.) Instead, I will share something else I’ve been working on with a very talented woman named Annie Boudreau – better known and loved as Annie Bananie. I met Annie in April, when she came to do a photo shoot for Vraie Nature Yoga & Mo/uvement, where I teach yoga. We got to talking, and I asked Annie – who is also a yoga teacher – if she could do a photoshoot for my Kirtan band. One thing led to another, and this is what we have to show for it:
1/ An interview of me, complete with photos taken during the Vraie Nature photo shoot. I’d never done an interview like this before. It was fun! Annie asks me about life, yoga, meditation, and kirtan. You can find it on Annie’s website here: https://www.anniebananie.ca/journal

2/ Plans for Kirtan at Annie’s place in Val-des-Monts. We will gather for Kirtan – the singing of yoga mantras – on Sunday, September 1st. Annie will take photos of us (Stewart on guitar, Scot on cajón, Ivy on tingshaws/shakers and me on harmonium), as we sing and play our instruments. We plan to use these for our websites, posters, etc. You are all welcome to join us for this kirtan. Aside from the graceful lady flitting around taking photos here and there, it will be a regular kirtan: joyful, soulful, meditative music based on ancient yoga mantras that uplift the heart and mind. This is a free event and open to all, including children. No experience required – I will help you learn the Sanskrit words! Address and other details below. It would be lovely to see you there.

In the meanwhile, you can join us for Kirtan this coming weekend, on Saturday, July 27th, 4:00-5:15pm, at Vraie Nature Yoga, in Chelsea. Also free and open to all! Let’s bring our voices together, and make this corner of our world a more joyful, more harmonious place.
Don’t forget to check out the interview and Annie’s other articles and photos at anniebananie.ca.