Why would anyone want to meditate? What is it for? And how do you do it anyway? These are great questions – beyond the scope of one blogpost, but I will at least address one part of this question: Why do I meditate, personally? 1/ Because I want to be able to use my mind to its greatest potential. The mind is a powerful instrument. I want to really know this instrument of mine, and to put it to good use. 2/ Because I seek peace, clarity, happiness and harmony, and I know that mental chatter can get in the way of these. Yoga offers us specific meditation techniques to calm and focus the mind and to harness its power. And so I ask, why wouldn’t you want to meditate?
As for other questions about meditation… If you’re curious, consider joining me for “Introduction to Yogic Meditation,” starting next week at the Meredith Centre in Chelsea. Here is a peak at my plans for the first class:
7:30-7:40 Introductions
7:40-8:00 Asana practice (yoga postures)
8:00-8:10 Shavasana (deep relaxation)
8:10-8:15 Pranayama (breathing exercises)
8:15-8:25 Meditation (instructions & 5-minute silent meditation)
8:25-8:45 Lecture & Discussion – “Setting up for meditation & the basic technique”
- creating a routine: regular place and time
- finding the best sitting position
- focusing the mind (pratyahara, dharana & dhyana)
- observing the mind: detachment, non-judgement – You are not your thoughts.
- Homework: Create your meditation space, and practice at least 3 minutes daily for the next week.
Classes Two and Three will follow a similar outline. We will lengthen the meditation time to seven minutes, and then ten. The Lecture & Discussion topics will be: “Understanding the mind” in Week Two and “Guiding principles: Letting go and holding on” in Week Three.
The first class is on Wednesday, September 4, 7:30-8:45pm, at the Meredith Centre. It will run for three consecutive weeks. You can register in person at the first class. The cost is $40 plus tax for the 3-week session.