Online yoga classes continue through July
Join in at any time! Class descriptions are here: Simply reply to this e-mail for more details and to register.

Happening this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, July 11th for our summer concert, featuring music and mantras that invoke the feeling of summer. Let the music sweep You away, soothing Your mind and returning You to a sense of freedom and joy. All welcome! Tips towards our production fund warmly accepted by e-transfer to Click here to join us, and/or to view the recording after the live event: (Note that a Facebook account is not required to view the concert.)
Reflections: At the heart of the matter
I was listening to a business-related talk the other day, and the speaker asked us this series of questions: “What makes You unique? What do You make happen for people? What struggles do people have that You can help them with? What kinds of experiences, discoveries, results, or transformations do You provide?”
Typing this out now, I chuckle to myself, because this business lingo echoes that fundamental yogic question, “Who am I? Who am I really?”
In all seriousness, though, I have been pondering this for a few weeks. And I keep coming back to the conclusion that, at the heart of the matter, “yoga with Zofia” is about making time and space in Your life for self-care, and finding ease in body and mind, both on and off the mat. These are humble, yet very important, goals. And there are many different yogic tools to help You achieve them – different kinds of tools for different kinds of people and situations – postures, breathing, meditation, and mantras.
For me, it’s about sharing these tools with You, and offering a schedule of classes to help keep You on track with a regular practice. It’s about keeping You company on this yoga journey, listening to You, advising You, learning from You, and creating a sense of community around a shared goal.
It’s about You rediscovering Your body and mind, becoming more and more aware of how You move and how You think. You’re learning to guide Your body and mind in new ways, becoming stronger and more stable, yet more relaxed and free, in Your movements. You’re creating new habits of movement and thought that bring You a greater sense of wellness and joy. You’re enjoying a break from ‘regular life’ to just stop, to put down Your other roles and responsibilities, to breathe, to take care of Yourself…
Inviting Your perspectives on these thoughts! I am on a journey of self-discovery too, and Your input is helpful! What do You think makes our yoga practice “unique” and of value? What kinds of “experiences, results, or transformations” are important to You?