November is around the corner! We flip the calendar page, and begin a new month in our lives. Of course, it can be a month like any other. But it can also be a special month. A month when we try something new, or commit to a new endeavour, or return to a project or activity that we’d put on the back-burner for a while. Let’s make it a special month. Set an intention for November, write it down, make a realistic plan, have it somewhere visible to remind you, and maybe even come up with a fun reward for sticking to the plan (e.g. a batch of fresh croissants from the Chelsea Boulangerie – that’s my reward this month for implementing a daily neti pot routine – more on the neti pot in another post).
November Morning Meditations series
As you know, I’ll be trying something special this November, and I invite you to join me. On November 1st, we begin the Morning Meditations series. We’ll meet online, via Zoom, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8am for an 11-minute guided meditation. We’ll be all done by 8:15. Some of you have already signed up, and I’m very excited to see your names appearing on my list! Feel free to extend this invitation to your family and friends. This November series is free and open to all, and there is still time to join. Just reply to this email or CLICK HERE to sign up.
Something special for me this November Something beautiful for my meditation space
Creating a special space for meditation
What I always recommend to folks beginning a meditation practice is to set up a small space for meditation. Make that space special too. Ideally, it’s reserved for meditation, but it can also be any ordinary part of your living space – like that comfy chair in your bedroom – where it’s relatively quiet and private. The idea is that when you want to meditate, you know exactly where to go. Your meditation space is ready and waiting for you, and with time it becomes infused with the energy of your meditation (or, in more scientific terms, that space becomes associated with the calming effects of meditation, and your mind becomes conditioned to settle and relax there). For those of you who enjoy a little interior decorating, I would even add the suggestion to put something beautiful in that space – a delightful cushion, fabric or throw – or a candle, essential oils, or incense to set the scene – or a sacred image or object that’s meaningful and uplifting. It’s entirely up to you. It’s what going to happen inside you that really matters, but the external setting can help. Keep it simple, and remember that the most important of your meditation space is comfortable seating. Or at least relatively comfortable seating. You can but don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor. You can sit in a chair, or at the edge of your bed. But the spine needs to be neutral and long, and the body relaxed. (If back pain is an issue, lying down is an option too, but generally not recommended for meditation as it’s easier to fall asleep! We want to relax but to stay aware and even alert.)
Launching the online Sage Leaf Store…
A brief note to let you know that the “Sage Leaf Store” is now up and running on my website, and is able to process class registrations and credit card payments in a safe and secure manner! You can find it here:
Along with the usual options, you’ll notice the new “monthly membership” option: $55/month for any/all classes on the schedule, plus access to all class recordings. The membership takes effect as soon as you register, and is a recurring credit card charge, which you can cancel at any time. Note that you can also use the store to register and pay with an e-transfer (not for the monthly memberships though).
All the class descriptions and registration options are laid out here:
Our new yoga sessions start next week! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.