Warm greetings, Friends, as we enter a new month – the final month of 2021. Hoping this newsletter finds you well…
First of all, a reminder that our regular schedule of yoga classes continues until Wednesday December 22, then we break until the New Year.
This December, you’re cordially invited to two special events:

I’m also very excited to launch a new workshop on December 28th: Svādhyāya: Entering the New Year with Clarity and Direction. We’ll start with some gentle pranayama (breathing exercises), followed by guided journalling on seven specific questions to bring insight and inspiration to this time of endings and beginnings.

Looking ahead to January, I’ll be leading a new four-week program called “Making Me-Time: Yoga for Self-Care.” This program is especially for folks who’d love to develop a more regular yoga/self-care practice, but need a little extra help making it happen. This might even be a good gift idea for someone you know… I have all the details laid out week by week, right here.

And finally: An “Introductory Month Pass” is now available for people new to my online yoga classes. It includes: one month of unlimited online yoga (live and recorded classes), plus an optional half-hour personal consultation with me. If purchased as a gift certificate, the sender receives $10 off of their next purchase, as a heartfelt Thank-You for the referral.

Registration and payment for all events/passes are through the Sage Leaf Store (click here). If you wish to offer any of these as holiday gifts, please let me know; I will prepare a customized gift certificate for you, and will enter a $10 credit on your ‘account’ with me.
Thank you for your continued support throughout 2021. I feel so blessed to have this community of yogis practising with me. Our practice has given me countless gifts: a regular yoga practice and all the benefits that brings, the sight of your smiling faces via Zoom, your thought-provoking questions, and so much inspiration. I wish you all a wonderful, restful, joyful, peaceful holiday season. Keep up the practice. And reach out to me as always with ideas, feedback or questions.
In closing, I share with you a little poem that just popped into my mind…
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.
~ Rumi
In other words, you are grander and more wonderful than you realize! Namaste!