Hello Friends,
I hope this newsletter finds you all healthy and well!
It’s already mid-April and time to look ahead to May, even briefly, to make our plans for the coming season. I’ve just updated my website with the details for our May-June yoga sessions. The schedule and pricing remains the same:
May-June sessions
- CHAIR YOGA, Mondays 9:30-10:30am / Mon May 2, 9, 16, 23, 20, Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 / $108
- YIN YOGA, Mondays 4:30-5:30pm / Mon May 2, 9, 16, 23, 20, Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 / $108
- HATHA & YIN PRACTICE, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm / Wed May 4, 11, 18, 25, Jun 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 / $108
- YOGA FLOW, Fridays 9:30-10:30am / Fri May 6, 13, 20, 27, Jun 3, 10, 17, 24 / $96
Sessions, flexible classes passes, and monthly memberships can be purchased right here: https://sageleafyoga.ca/store
Morning Mantra Series
Starting May 2, 8:00-8:15am ~ every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning in May
Did you know that a mantra practice can help you feel calmer and happier?
This May, join me for a 15-minute session of mantra set to music, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8:00-8:15am. In essence, this is a musical form of meditation! Sing along with me and my harmonium, or simply listen; it’s all good. We start on Monday, May 2nd via Zoom. You will receive a reminder email an hour before each session with the Zoom link. By the end of the month, you will know at least one new mantra and will be able to use it with or without a recording, to feel peacefully “at home” in body and mind.
No experience required. Free, and open to all. Though you’ll experience the most benefit with consistent practice, there is no obligation to attend every session. To sign up, simply respond to this email with the words “morning mantras.”
A brief introduction to mantra practice
Yogic mantras are in Sanskrit, the ancient language of South Asia. One of the most important things to understand about these mantras is that they convey a feeling, rather than a thought. In fact, that’s what makes them so powerful. Feelings are more powerful than thoughts/words. For example, you can try to think peaceful thoughts and say peaceful words – but that’s not always the same as really and truly feeling peaceful. Which is actually going to make more of a difference in your life: the words or the feelings of peace? The answer is pretty clear.
The main challenge with mantra practice is getting the mind on board. The mind can argue that this mantra business is a little strange; the mind insists on logical explanations. So, we will begin our mantra sessions by gathering the mind, then singing/listening to the mantra, to experience the feeling of the mantra. Our first mantra will be “om glaum shreem swaha.” The feeling we will find here is one of being sheltered, protected, and provided for in all areas of life.
Easter reflections
What if… this life we’re living is actually a “heaven on earth”? What would we do differently if we knew and felt that we were already in “heaven on earth”? How could we shift our thinking, in order to perceive the beauty, grace, peace and love that already exist, right here, right now? What if the turmoil we sometimes see around us is only there to bring forth the goodness within?