“The Surrender Experiment”

I haven’t yet stopped thinking about the book I read over the holidays: The Surrender Experiment: My journey into life’s perfection, by Michael A. Singer (New York: Harmony Books, 2015). The Surrender Experiment is the story of Michael Singer’s life and his search for lasting inner peace. It all started when he suddenly (and most … [Read more…]

February news

Hello! This month, you will find me at the Meredith Centre in Chelsea, QC, on Tuesdays 1:15-2:30pm, teaching Restorative Yoga / Yoga Régénérateur. This is a gentle yoga class. The first half hour warms up the body and builds stability and balance. The second half focuses on loosening and relaxing the body through supported yoga postures; … [Read more…]

Yoga off the mat & the four paths of yoga

One of my very first yoga teachers encouraged me to take my yoga practice off the mat and into my daily life. She specifically suggested that I bring more attention to my feet on the floor. And so I began noticing my feet throughout the day – spreading my weight more evenly through the feet, … [Read more…]

An affirmation for September

September’s affirmation is: “I surrender to the cosmic will.” Now, compare this to August’s affirmation: “My will is all-powerful.” (These monthly affirmations are from the book “Yoga: Your home practice companion” by the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre.) So, how to make sense of these seeming opposites? Yogic teachings urge us to exercise and strengthen our … [Read more…]

My cup

This evening, as I tucked my little ones in, my youngest asked, “Mama, what cup is that you’re holding?” I responded, “You know, my cup – my favourite one.” And she replied, “Well, you know, it’s not really your cup, it’s the one that you like to use.” And I thought to myself, yes, how … [Read more…]

What is Sivananda yoga?

As promised, here is a brief explanation of what is meant by the term “Sivananda yoga.” First of all, it is not a different style of yoga. It is traditional hatha yoga, as taught by Swami Sivananda (1887-1963) and his disciple Swami Vishnudevananda (1927-1993). As a physical practice, it is a set sequence of: opening … [Read more…]