Shavasana: Resting body and mind

Shavasana (corpse pose): Lie down on your mat, on your back, arms and legs apart, palms turned upwards. Let the feet be as wide as your mat. Draw your shoulders away from your ears, and your tailbone toward your heels; this lengthens the spine on the mat. Close your eyes. Relax your body. Shava = corpse; Asana … [Read more…]

Jaya Ganesha

In recent months, Ganesh has been showing up around here. A necklace given to me by a dear teacher, featuring this elephant-headed deity. A trip to the Sivananda Yoga Camp, where the morning and evening chants begin with “Jaya Ganesha” (“Praise to Ganesh”). Pictures of elephants that appear unexpectedly. Ganesh is the half-elephant, half-man deity … [Read more…]

Week 7: Svadhyaya, Self-Inquiry

Two weeks ago, we started our foray into what Patanjali calls “kriya yoga”, the yoga of action (Yoga Sutras, 2.1). Kriya yoga has three components: – “tapas”: self-discipline, self-restraint – “svadhyaya”: Self-inquiry, Self-study – “ishvarapranidhana”: devotion, surrender This week, we focus on svadhyaya. Svadhyaya is any form of “study that leads to knowledge of the … [Read more…]