Happy Father’s Day!

Did you know that the Buddha was a father? Before becoming the Buddha, he was Prince Siddhārtha, destined to become King of the Śakya clan in India. He was married, and he had a son, Rāhula. Yet, the Prince had become increasingly dissatisfied with life, and he longed for answers to his questions: Why is … [Read more…]

Yoga and God

I didn’t grow up with a name for God. My father was raised Muslim, and my mother was raised Roman Catholic. When I was born, the agreement within the family was that I would be raised in neither tradition, but would have the freedom to choose my own path later in life. I did actually … [Read more…]

Remembering why

During yoga teacher training, my teacher Ivy emphasized that we must always remember why we are doing yoga in the first place. Why do you do yoga? We all must have a reason for coming to and continuing this practice. What’s yours? All reasons are valid. The reasons are very important too, as they are … [Read more…]

Spring cleaning

I have been bit by the Spring Cleaning Bug! This morning, rather than going to my usual yoga class, I scrubbed sinks, washed windows, swept the deck, and wiped down our outdoor chairs. I washed blankets and hung them out to dry in the sun. Oh, what a glorious morning it was! My face in … [Read more…]

April news & pratipakṣa bhāvana

Wed. Apr. 10th, 7:30-8:45pm – New session (11 weeks) of Traditional Hatha Yoga starts at the Meredith Centre. All levels. Registration is through the Meredith Centre. Drop-ins are also welcome. Sat. Apr. 20, 4:00-5:00pm – Community Kirtan at Vraie Nature Yoga. This a free event, open to all. Join us for the singing of yoga … [Read more…]

The four people you’ll meet in life – and the four keys you’ll need

This year, my calendar features the wisdom and calligraphy of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. February’s page looks like this: Beneath this beautiful calligraphy, we find the explanation that true love consists of: loving kindness (maitri in Sanskrit) – benevolence, friendliness, good will compassion (karuna) – the desire to help, to alleviate another’s suffering joy … [Read more…]

Dear Perfectionist, I see and honour you

As a yoga teacher, I get to observe people practising yoga. Not that I’m staring at you while you practice – but I do I let my gaze drift around the room. Sometimes, something will jump out at me, and then I pay more attention. Lately, I’ve been noticing more of this: body language that says … [Read more…]

“The Surrender Experiment”

I haven’t yet stopped thinking about the book I read over the holidays: The Surrender Experiment: My journey into life’s perfection, by Michael A. Singer (New York: Harmony Books, 2015). The Surrender Experiment is the story of Michael Singer’s life and his search for lasting inner peace. It all started when he suddenly (and most … [Read more…]

Yoga off the mat & the four paths of yoga

One of my very first yoga teachers encouraged me to take my yoga practice off the mat and into my daily life. She specifically suggested that I bring more attention to my feet on the floor. And so I began noticing my feet throughout the day – spreading my weight more evenly through the feet, … [Read more…]