Week 3: The five causes of suffering

“The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga” is now into Week 3 at Mill Road Community Space. A brief recap: In Week 1, we explored the divide between Prakriti and Purusha. Prakriti is the physical/material world of our senses, fleeting, temporary, ever changing; Purusha is the realm of consciousness, eternal, constant, ever blissful and at peace. We … [Read more…]

Week 2: Exploring consciousness

This week, we turned our attention to the aspect of ourselves that is unchanging, eternal, ever blissful – beyond the changeable nature of body and mind. This aspect of Self has a Sanskrit name, “Purusha;” in English, we might call it Soul or Consciousness. Purusha dwells in each heart, untouched by the events unfolding in … [Read more…]

Week 1: The nature of body and mind

A new 8-week session at Mill Road Community Space is underway. Each week, we will explore one aspect of yoga philosophy, drawing from ancient and modern-day yoga literature. Here is a summary of what we explored today: Yoga philosophy divides existence into two main realms: 1/ the physical or material (body and mind are included … [Read more…]

The unchanging self & happiness within

Yesterday, I watched a documentary called “On yoga: The architecture of peace.” It captures the journeys of photographer Michael O’Neill, as he travels to India over the course of 10 years to meet, interview and photograph the great yoga masters. It was an inspiring movie… and it led me to this thought: Yoga helps us … [Read more…]


I’ve been reflecting on my teaching in 2017 – how it’s changed, what aspects have stayed the same, what themes came up for me over the year. One observation is that I have shifted my emphasis in class from breathing to relaxation. I think it’s time to re-emphasize the breath: how to breathe deeply, the … [Read more…]

Lingering thoughts from today’s class

– Yoga practice is not about perfecting the postures. It’s about deepening our self-awareness. Practicing the postures is a means of deepening our self-awareness.   – Self-awareness begins with the body (how does my body feel in this posture?), and then encompasses the mind (what thoughts are arising?), and eventually the spirit or soul (who … [Read more…]

The Yamas and Niyamas: Part 1

The five yamas (restraints) and the five niyamas (observances) constitute the yogi’s moral guidelines. They are presented in the Yoga Sutras, a text written about 200BC and attributed to the sage Patanjali. The Yoga Sutras present a broad yet very detailed overview of the workings of the mind, as well as methods of harnessing the … [Read more…]

Pointing to the moon

  A Buddhist analogy came to my mind recently. It goes something like this: The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon itself. Yoga practices and teachings are like fingers pointing to the moon. The moon here represents the Truth – or our True Self. But sometimes we become so fixated on the … [Read more…]

The importance of being

Today I’ve been thinking about “being” – as opposed to “doing”. Many great spiritual traditions teach the importance of being: just being, existing, feeling that one has no where to go and nothing to do. The Christian tradition of rest on Sunday is one example of this. The Buddhist tradition also teaches us to be … [Read more…]