
Āsana and Ananta

Lately, I’ve been reading the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. This ancient Indian text was written about 400 CE in Sanskrit. It contains 196 aphorisms – sūtras, or “threads” – that present the essence of yoga. It is a concise manual, at times enigmatic in its conciseness, that begins with the premise that  1.2 Yoga is … [Read more…]

Summer Solstice reflections

I am starting this post on June 21st, the day of Summer Solstice. Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, the day when the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky. It is a day to celebrate Sūrya, the Sun – its radiant light, its life-giving energy, its nourishing warmth, its awesome … [Read more…]

Happy Father’s Day!

Did you know that the Buddha was a father? Before becoming the Buddha, he was Prince Siddhārtha, destined to become King of the Śakya clan in India. He was married, and he had a son, Rāhula. Yet, the Prince had become increasingly dissatisfied with life, and he longed for answers to his questions: Why is … [Read more…]

Yoga and God

I didn’t grow up with a name for God. My father was raised Muslim, and my mother was raised Roman Catholic. When I was born, the agreement within the family was that I would be raised in neither tradition, but would have the freedom to choose my own path later in life. I did actually … [Read more…]

June news

June is just around the corner. We have three special classes this month, and two kirtans! Plus, you’ll find a spotlight on chin mudrā (the hand gesture often used in prāṇāyāma and meditation) below. Saturday, June 1, 10:00-10:45am: Free hatha yoga class at the Cascades Club (100 chemin de la Riviere, Chelsea) Saturday, June 1, … [Read more…]

Remembering why

During yoga teacher training, my teacher Ivy emphasized that we must always remember why we are doing yoga in the first place. Why do you do yoga? We all must have a reason for coming to and continuing this practice. What’s yours? All reasons are valid. The reasons are very important too, as they are … [Read more…]

Divine Mother

The beginning of your life was in the mother’s breath. Your first small words are taught from her lips. She is your first teacher and Guru. It is she who wiped your first tears. – Swami Sivananda, “Bliss Divine” As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself reflecting on the Mothers in my life. I think, … [Read more…]

May News

There’s lots of mantra and music on the schedule this month, and one new yoga session starting up at the Meredith Centre: Sunday, May 5, 1-2pm: Kirtan at Wishingtree Yoga (72 McClintock Way, Kanata) Kirtan is the singing of yogic mantras, in call-and-response style. I’ve written a bit about this beautiful form of yoga practice … [Read more…]

Spring cleaning

I have been bit by the Spring Cleaning Bug! This morning, rather than going to my usual yoga class, I scrubbed sinks, washed windows, swept the deck, and wiped down our outdoor chairs. I washed blankets and hung them out to dry in the sun. Oh, what a glorious morning it was! My face in … [Read more…]

Kirtan this weekend

A reminder that Kirtan is this weekend, at Vraie Nature Yoga in Chelsea: Saturday, April 20, 4-5pm. This is a free event, open to all, including children. We learn and sing five yoga mantras, chant OM 108 times, then finish with the sounding of our Tibetan singing bowls. Potluck snack (vegetarian) to follow. I have … [Read more…]